Presa din Scoția a anunțat deja cine e favorit să îi ia locul antrenorului lui Ianis Hagi la Rangers. Scaunul lui Philippe Clement se clatină serios în Scoția. Cu doar 3 victorii în 10 meciuri, […] The post El va fi noul antrenor al lui Ianis Hagi la Rangers. Anunțul din Scoția appeared first on Prosport.
The text announces that a new manager has been appointed for Rangers, the team where Ianis Hagi plays.
Essentially, it's saying a coach change is happening for Ianis Hagi's team in Scotland.
The text announces that a new manager has been appointed for Rangers, the team where Ianis Hagi plays. Essentially, it's saying a coach change is happening for Ianis Hagi's team in Scotland.